Purchase & Payment
- Once an order has been accepted by us, no further changes can be made.
- The sale of any product is subject to the availability and safe arrival in Singapore. We will inform you as soon as possible if the product you have ordered is unavailable. In the event the product you ordered is unavailable, a refund of the sum or deposit that you have paid for the product will be made to you.
- The production lead time for our Made-To-Order sofas is usually 8 weeks unless otherwise stated.
- Lead times are estimated on experience and current commitment from our suppliers. However, due to factors beyond our control, such as backorders, general or freight delays and/or adverse weather or strikes, we cannot and do not guarantee lead times. Orders may not be cancelled, nor deposits refunded due to late lead times and/ delivery.
- Unless otherwise agreed by us in writing, any payment made to us shall be forfeited if there is a failure to accept the delivery of the product or to complete the delivery of a product.
- We accept payment by Visa or Mastercard. All prices stated are inclusive of Goods and Service Tax (GST).
- Unless otherwise stated, all online orders have to be fully paid before they are processed.
- To provide a secure shopping experience, all online orders are processed through Shopify’s payment portal for credit card settlements. All personal and financial information are encrypted, and no details will be shared.
- You may also use our electronic digital coupons during payment. Digital coupons will be issued with their own set of conditions and they are specific to each version of the coupon. Please refer to the specific terms that come with the usage of digital coupons.